Solihull Academy

Saturn Centre

A short stay, alternative provision for 11–16 year-olds (Key stage 3-4); We are an Assessment and Intervention centre. Pupils are referred in agreement with and via the local authority. Our “sixth-day” provision is for students who are missing in education, unable to access their current provision, have been permanently excluded or who are at risk of permanent exclusion. Pupils are with us for varying amounts of time for a maximum of 20 weeks; our approach to all students therefore needs to remain flexible, bespoke and focussed on their next destination.

The skills-focused curriculum contains a balance of therapeutic and academic content with a flexible intervention programme to meet the needs of its students. Students are taught within small class sizes, which enables restorative approaches, one-to-one support, mentoring, Youth Work and a range of other interventions.

The Saturn Centre provides a personal learning journey for all of its students by offering an individualised package of social and academic support to prevent students from becoming NEET (not in education, employment, or training) and surpassing their baseline assessment (academic and otherwise). The Saturn Centre curriculum teaches students to build resilience, form positive relationships and re-harmonise into their community.

We recognise the importance to safeguard and protect both students and staff and are committed to supporting students and families whilst in school and with all aspects of transition to their final educational destination.

Mission Statement

To enable our students to learn, progress and grow in all aspects of their development providing them the skills to change their educational futures and life chances for Solihull’s most vulnerable and at-risk children.


Our goal is that every child who leaves Saturn Centre has created a better future for themselves by re-establishing new values, transforming disengaged students and enabling them to have a positive journey and transition to their next positive, permanent destination.

Students will reintegrate successfully into their new school community, avoid further exclusion, fixed and engage in education.


Successful Saturn Centre students will have developed the following values:

Courage- to not let fear hold you back from exploring new opportunities, developing your skills and doing what is right.

Ambitious- to have the skills and determination to show a strong desire to succeed.

Resilience- to have the ability to cope with and adapt to difficult situations.

Compassion- to show unconditional positive regard and care about others by treating them with kindness.

Our curriculum intent

Every pupil who is referred to The Saturn Centre has been on an unique educational journey. Through baseline assessments we will determine our students’ learning levels, skills and abilities. Due to the short stay nature of our provision our curriculum is required to be flexible. We offer core subjects in Maths, English and Science as well as Humanities, PSHE and PE which follow the national curriculum.

In addition to this through daily interventions we offer a personalised approach which includes:

  • Restorative Practice
  • Therapeutic support
  • Transition and outreach support
  • Bespoke academic support


Our curriculum and teaching is designed to:

Re- engage learners

  • Motivate students to learn
  • Enable students to surpass their baseline assessments; both academically and otherwise
  • Allow students, where possible, to explore subjects beyond the core curriculum
  • Support students to lead healthy, safe lifestyles
  • Support students to develop the skills required to be successful in their next phase of education.